Ask Rock: Ask Me Anything: Answers from an Industry Expert

When label sales are slow, how can we continue our prospecting momentum?

Rock, my label business has a slow season every year, right after tax time. We use the lull to update our website and organize the office and physical plant. We try to keep our sales momentum going, but really do need a chunk of time to focus on other parts of the business.

Is it possible to do both? If you are a small company or a one-person business, I understand how you might shift to maintenance mode for a short time, to get the business organized. However, I would not let up on the sales prospecting, even if sales dip in April or May.

Because your label printing business has seasonal ups and downs, you must continue to implement your sales plan during slow periods. Keep a checklist of items and add to it each year. Work on marketing, networking, phone calls and meetings, outreach to past clients, sales messaging, gathering testimonials, and more.

Take advantage of the channels that keep your name in front of prospects regularly. Look at producing marketing content in many places to find new customers and keep current ones engaged. Refresh content and use it in your email newsletter, blog posts, social media, direct mail, sample kits, video and events. Look at where your competitors are making a name for themselves, and see if there are opportunities for you on those platforms.

Don’t be shy about asking customers: “How and where would you like to hear from us?” With that insight, build a channel where you are their exclusive voice and trusted expert.

Build a sales and marketing program that can be implemented throughout the year. Remember, the discipline you show in the Spring will manifest in more sales in the Fall. Keep it up!

About Rock

Rock LaManna is a seasoned business development executive, entrepreneur, and business strategist with over 45 years of proven experience. He has substantial hands-on success working with and participating in manufacturing operations, including start-ups; creating and implementing new markets; building key accounts and customer loyalty; and developing multiple strategic growth opportunities.

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